We are on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Dakota people, as well as other Indigenous nations who have lived, worked, and stewarded these lands. Minnesota is home to 11 Tribal Nations today, and their ongoing contributions to agriculture, food systems, and community resilience are deeply significant.
As we come together to strengthen local food systems and support farmers’ markets, let us reflect on the profound relationship between the land and those who cultivate it. May we honor this history and build relationships rooted in respect, reciprocity, and sustainability.
Let us hold this acknowledgment as a call to action—to engage with and support Indigenous communities in meaningful ways as we work towards a more equitable and inclusive future for all.
MFMA at Work for Food Farmers, Food Makers, Fiber Farmers, & Markets
2024 has seen a whirlwind of accomplishments & challenges for Minnesota farmers' markets and vendors, with even more on the 2025 horizon. Join MFMA staff as we discuss accomplishments, challenges, and aspirations to continue the thrivability of Minnesota's local foodshed, populated by 375+ farmers' markets.
Food and Agriculture Systems at a Crossroads: Dismantling Silo-mentality
What role do you currently play in the food system today? What does a sustainable and equitable food system look like to you? I believe there is still hope for us to create a better food system where our children, their children and many more after them can thrive-- while giving back to the earth. But this requires urgent, deliberate, and deep change. Let's do this together.
What About Botanicals? Are They Food? Drugs? Supplements? Tinctures?
Farm Commons has researched the laws and rules for growing and selling botanicals. Staff attorney Chloe Johnson will share highlights and give us a sneak peak at the Minnesota-specific guide we can all use for our markets & vendors.
Under "Location Categories" search by region & restaurant.
1:50 - 2:20 pm
"Customer Survey Pilot Strategy 2024: Review, Takeaways, and Next Steps"
FM360 is Minnesota's nationally recognized farmers' markets metrics service, now in its 9th year of data collection. Come prepared to ask about the evolution of metrics collection at farmers markets!
Broaden Your Farmers' Market Mission To Better Serve Your Communities - Part 1
2024 was a good year for some creative & innovative thinking and programming at farmers' markets across the state - most likely born from several years of challenging growing conditions statewide! Come hear from other markets what they're doing and how they are managing it.
Anna Richardson, Director of Market Access Programs, The Good Acre
3:55 - 4 pm
Housekeeping for tomorrow & Door Prize #7
$75 Gift Certificate from the Farmers' Market of Your Choice
December 5
9 - 9:10 am
Welcome, Land Acknowledgement, & Logistics
We are on the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Dakota people, as well as other Indigenous nations who have lived, worked, and stewarded these lands. Minnesota is home to 11 Tribal Nations today, and their ongoing contributions to agriculture, food systems, and community resilience are deeply significant.
As we come together to strengthen local food systems and support farmers’ markets, let us reflect on the profound relationship between the land and those who cultivate it. May we honor this history and build relationships rooted in respect, reciprocity, and sustainability.
Let us hold this acknowledgment as a call to action—to engage with and support Indigenous communities in meaningful ways as we work towards a more equitable and inclusive future for all.
For the 3rd year in a row, MN farmers' markets played a key role in providing local food to their communities. Jill will share the results of 2024 - and explain any changes for 2025.
A Perfect Summer Day: How MN Farmers' Markets Shaped My Childhood and Work in the Food Sovereignty Movement
Friendly Vang-Johnson, MFMA Director of Government Affairs will share her lived experience as one of the first Hmong farmers in the United States and how this has informed her work serving local small-scale, emerging farmers. Her speech, delivered in a storytelling style, is a love letter to encourage and honor all farmers and farmers' markets. She will outline a blueprint for food sovereignty: how it can be pursued and why it matters, beyond food security or equitable access.
Friendly Vang-Johnson, MFMA Director of Government Affairs
1:45 - 1:50 pm
Door Prize #11
$75 Gift Basket
MN Farmers' Market Association
1:50 - 2:50 pm
Broaden Your Farmers' Market Mission To Better Serve Your Communities - Part 2
2024 was a good year for some creative & innovative thinking and programming at farmers' markets across the state - most likely born from several years of challenging growing conditions statewide! Come hear from other markets what they're doing and how they are managing it.