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Minnesota Farmers' Market Association 

2023 MFMA Annual Conference

And that's a wrap! 

Many thanks to the 100s of folks who attended our 2023 MFMA Annual Conference Zoominar, Dec. 6 & 7! Your thoughtful participation will help drive MFMA's work in 2024.

Special thanks to the presenters and sponsors who shared their time, talent, and treasure with us - we appreciate you!


December 6

Topics  Presenters 
 9 - 9:15 am  Welcome & Logistics  Sina W.P.
 9:15 - 10:15 am

MFMA at Work for Farmers & Markets 

2023 has seen a whirlwind of accomplishments & challenges for Minnesota farmers' markets, with even more on the 2024 horizon. Join MFMA staff as we discuss the relationships we developed with MN Legislators to influence policy, all the TV shows, the grants designed to grow more farmers, proposed law changes, the multiple free zoominars through the Farmers' Market Academy & Cottage Foods Academy, and more.

Presentation Slides Here.

Sina W.P.

MFMA Director of Engagement & Inclusion

Kathy Zeman

MFMA Executive Director

 10:15 - 10:20 am

Cooking Demo Check-In

Door Prize #1

Find the restaurant in your area here.

Under "Location Categories" search by region & restaurant. 

Sina W.P.

Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

Chef Lachelle Cunningham

 10:20 - 11 am

Policy Organizing 101

More and more people in MN are recognizing the health and economic benefits farmers' markets bring to their communities - and think farmers' markets could use some public investment to benefit our 375+ communities. We need to join our allies in this effort to grow MN's local foodshed. LSP's Laura Schreiber will lead us in identifying the 2024 opportunities and how we can organize to tell our story - to benefit our communities.

Presentation slides here.

Laura Schreiber

Land Stewardship Project

Policy Organizer

 11 - 11:15 am

Cooking Demo Check-In

 Door Prize #2 and Break

Find some swag in LSP's Shop.

Sina W.P.

Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

Chef Lachelle Cunningham

 11:15 am - 12:15 pm 

Keynote Speaker

Cultivating Connections: Empowering Communities in the Food System

Join Chef Lachelle Cunningham for an enlightening discussion on the importance of collaboration and community networks in the food system, with a focus on the Minnesota Food Justice Network (MFJN). Discover how these collaborations foster community empowerment, support local food economies, and promote food justice. Chef Lachelle will also delve into her various initiatives, showcasing their value as resources for farmers, growers, market managers, and vendors. These initiatives include cooking workshops for their teams or communities, the development and hosting of educational programs connecting their areas with the food industry, and facilitating connections with culinary students and food entrepreneurs. Together, we'll explore a path towards a more inclusive and equitable food system.

Presentation slides here.

Herb Infused Cornbread Recipe.




Healthy Roots Institute


 Door Prize #3

Shop Nawapo for food, gifts, and crafts from Indigenous sellers.

Kathy Zeman

Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

 12:15 - 12:45 pm

Cooking Demo by Chef Lachelle Cunningham & Sina W.P.

LUNCH on Your Own

 12:45 - 1:45 pm

Marketing Tips for Markets & Vendors

MFMA's Sina W.P. brings her passion for food and community to her story telling for MFMA. She's a whiz at social media, videos, reels, and more. She'll share proven tactics for markets & vendors to elevate their presence and increase their sales and profits.

Presentation slides here.

Sina W.P.

MFMA Director of Engagement & Inclusion

 1:45 - 1:50 pm  Door Prize #4

Find the restaurant in your area here.

Under "Location Categories" search by region & restaurant. 

Sina W.P.

Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

 1:50 - 2:50 pm 2023 FM360 Market Metrics Sneak Peek

FM360 is Minnesota's nationally recognized farmers' markets metrics service, now in its 8th year of data collection. We'll hear summary numbers for 2023 and track the trends in MN from the beginning. Come prepared to ask the question: how does this help our market?

Presentation slides here.


The Importance of Databases - the Maps!

Accurate maps drive shoppers to your markets and helps influence public policy. Maeve will share MFMA map updates, as well as the USDA mapping tool that she's assisting in developing.  

Presentation slides here.

Joseph Nowak

University of Minnesota  FM360 Co-Founder and PhD Candidate, University of Minnesota

Hikaru Peterson

FM360 co-founder and Professor of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota

Maeve Mallozzi Kelly

MFMA Local Foodshed Database Manager

 2:50 - 3 pm

Door Prize #5

Free FM360 for your market in 2024 

Sina W.P.

Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

 3 - 3:55 pm

Expanding Farmers' Markets Roles in Building MN's Local Foodshed

From farmers' markets food hubs to incorporating food access programs to providing grants to farmers, learn from the markets doing innovative work to help expand MN's local foodshed.

Presentation slides here.

FM Hub presentation slides here.

Mill City Farmers' Market

Maya O’Brien McLeod, Communications Manager

Sarah Holle, Program Manager

Aitkin Farmers' Market Food Hub

Allison Rian
     3:55 - 4 pm

    Housekeeping for tomorrow & Door Prize #6

    $75 Gift Certificate from the Farmers'  Market of Your Choice

     Sina W.P.

    Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly


    December 7 

    Topics  Presenters 
     9 - 9:15 am Welcome & Logistics  Sina W.P.
     9:15 - 10:15 am

    SNAP EBT & Market Bucks Another Record High in 2023

    For the 2nd year in a row, MN farmers' markets played a key role in providing local food to their communities. Jill will share the results of 2023 - and explain the changes coming with additional Markets Bucks to both markets and direct marketing farmers.

    Presentation slides here.

    2024 Senior/Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Updates
    Senior/Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program overview and updates surrounding the 2024 modernization.

    Presentation slides here.

    Recorded session.

    Jill Westfall

    Hunger Solutions Director of Programs

    Christina Iliev

    MDA S/FMNP  Coordinator

    10:15 - 10:20 am Door Prize #7

    Find the restaurant in your area here.

    Under "Location Categories" search by region & restaurant. 

    Sina W.P.
    10:20 - 11 am

    MFMA Growing Farmers & Markets

    Report on 3 grant projects:

    • Did the "new & improved" Micro Farm insurance policy for emerging farmers prove true? 
    • Emerging Farmers Profitability Cohort - 2024
    • Deep Dive Into MFMA's "Field Conditions & Market Prices Reporting in Multiple Languages" Project - 2024 to 2026

    Presentation slides here.

    Sina W.P.

    MFMA Director of Engagement & Inclusion

    Kathy Zeman

    MFMA Executive Director

    11 - 11:15 am

    Door Prize #8 and Break

    $75 Gift Certificate from Spirit Lake Native Farms.

    Sina W.P.

    Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

     11:15 am - 12:15 pm 

    Keynote Speaker

    The Midwest Farmers of Color Collective is a collective of Black, Indigenous, Farmers of Color (BIPOC), centered on racial justice and the development of food and farming systems that honor our communities past, present, and future. Zoe will take us on a journey to explore this intersectionality in Minnesota's local foodshed.

    Presentation slides here.

    Zoe Hollomon

    Midwest Farmers of Color Collective

    Coordinating Team


     Door Prize #9

    $75 Gift Certificate

    North Loop Winter Market

    Sina W.P.

    Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

    12:17 - 12:45 pm LUNCH on Your Own  
    12:45 - 1:45 pm

    Managers - Your Turn! 

    There were a lot of 'opportunities' in 2023 for markets: heat, bad air, conflicts, wind, weather stress on your vendors, etc. This is market managers & vendors chance to crowdsource solutions!

    Moderator: Sina W.P.

    Destiny Jones 

    Four Sisters Food Sovereignty Coordinator & Market Manager

    Mo Hanson

    Midtown Farmers Market Manager

    Laura Gosewisch

    Westside Farmers' Market

    Benjamin Kenneth Bicknese

    St. Paul Farmers' Market Executive Assistant

     1:45 - 1:50 pm

    Door Prize #10

    $75 Gift Certificate to Birchbark Books 

    Sina W.P.

    Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

    1:50 - 2:50 pm

    Marketing with Minnesota Grown and How to Reach New Customers with Paid Social Media Ads

    Learn about marketing resources available to markets and vendors through Minnesota Grown, including cost-shares that will reimburse 50% of the costs of certain marketing expenses, up to $3,300 per year! A new, limited-time digital marketing and e-commerce cost share will cover the costs of website design and platform costs, app and email marketing platform fees, and other digital marketing expenses.

    To get your wheels turning about ways to take advantage of this opportunity, we’ll spend the second half of the session with Minnesota Grown’s digital marketing contractor Theory Z Media. They’ll walk through the basics of running paid ads on social media to reach new market customers. Topics will include content, audience selection, geographic targeting, and how to maximize results on any budget.

    Mallory Forseth

    Minnesota Grown Program Manager & Member Services

    Rachel Wandrei

    Minnesota Grown Marketing Manager

    Michael Berg

    Theory Z Media, Partner

    2:50 - 3 pm

    Door Prize #11 - from Minnesota Grown!

    Lucky winner receives 100 tote bags and 100 temporary tattoos that can be a freebie giveaway at your market!

    Sina W.P.

    Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

     3 - 3:55 pm

    The Rules! Refresher Course for 2024 Markets & Vendors

    We'll review any law or rule changes, impacts of legalized cannabis, etc.

    Kathy Zeman

    MFMA Executive Director

     3:55 - 4 pm  THANK YOU! Final Door Prize #12!

    Win a banner like this from ProGraphics!


    Sina W.P.

    Maeve Mallozzi-Kelly

    MFMA provides services, programs, and leadership that support and promote farmers' markets across Minnesota and our Tribal Nations.

    We envision a community of vibrant, profitable, and professionally managed Minnesota farmers’ markets that:

                      • Cultivates, nourishes, and inspires a vibrant local foods community;
                      • Provides accessibility to all to local farm fresh foods;
                      • Allows local food producers to thrive and grow;
                      • Ensures these opportunities are available to everyone regardless of ethnicity, age, gender identity, or economic standing.

    Director of Government Affairs: Friendly Vang-Johnson /// /// (206) 276-2284

    Director of Engagement & Inclusion: Sina War /// /// 

    Executive Director: Kathy Zeman /// /// (507) 664-9446 

    Minnesota Farmers' Market Association | 9800 155th St E | Nerstrand MN 55053-2403


    Copyright MFMA 2025

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