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Minnesota Farmers' Market Association 


The Minnesota Farmers’ Market Association (MFMA) offers a group insurance policy for member markets and member vendors through Advantage 1 Insurance Agency. The policy is underwritten by West Bend Mutual. This group policy insurance is program is open to MFMA market members and vendor members.


General Liability Insurance including Products and Completed Operations

  • Limits of Liability
      • $3,000,000 general aggregate limit
      • $3,000,000 products and complete operations aggregate limit
      • $1,000,000 each occurrence limit
      • $1,000,000 personal and advertising injury limit
      • $2,000,000 umbrella each occurrence limit
  • $250 deductible for property damage
  • Policy term: January 1 to December 31
  • Group Policy
  • Excess Policy

Additional Policies Available

Advantage 1’s group policy has some limitations and cannot insure:

  • Complex markets
  • Ready-to-eat foods (food & beverage service)
  • Cottage foods not sold at a market 
  • Kombucha
  • Cosmetics, body care products
  • Tinctures
  • Knives

However, we have complied a list of other insurers who can write these policies. Contact MFMA’s Kathy Zeman if you need information about these or (507) 664-9446. 

Coverage Guidelines and Eligibility

To be an insured on the MFMA group policy, the following guidelines apply. This is a summary of insurance and the actual policy language holds true above all summarized language. 

Insurance for Vendors

  1. A vendor must be a MFMA member to be eligible for this member benefit.
  2. Premiums will be charged as a flat amount for the policy period.
  3. No refunds for cancellations.
  4. No reduced premiums for late entry into the policy period.
  5. Premiums noted include all processing fees and state taxes.
  6. The above coverages are the only coverages offered. Any coverage requested in the application that differs from the above is not included.
  7. Vendors will have coverage at any established* farmers’ market or established* farmers’ market-type event in the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin.
  8. Only small, one-of-a-kind, non-mass-produced crafts will be permitted to be sold.
  9. Only locally grown/raised products are eligible for sale.
  10. No resale of wholesale purchased items.
  11. No concessionaires are eligible. For example, vendors who sell pizza, hamburgers, or beverages like coffee or lemonade meant to be consumed onsite while at the market are ineligible for this program.
  12. No coverage for cosmetics or body care products (soap, lotion, etc.).
  13. Coverage is not valid for sales from your home or farm, for commercial kitchens, or for crops; coverage is only valid at established* farmers’ markets or established* farmers’ market-type events.
  14. This is not for vendors who have a store front, as the market is just another selling location. These vendors must obtain coverage through their business insurance.
  15. Insurance is only valid in the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin (although a vendor may live in adjacent states).
  16. Vendors must comply with applicable Minnesota/Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and Minnesota/Wisconsin Department of Health rules and regulations.
  17. A certificate of insurance will be emailed or mailed to you as your proof of insurance.

COST TO VENDORS: Premiums, Fees, and Options

Vendor Insurance 1 (Food-Unprocessed) = $182

Food-Unprocessed: Vendors who grow their own food products and do not process them. Food goes directly from the ground to the stand. Examples: tomatoes, apples, potatoes, flowers, and plants.

Vendor Insurance 2 (Food-Processed) $223

Vendors who grow their own food products and perform processing before sale. Examples: meats, eggs, mushrooms. Also jam, jelly, honey, maple syrup, bread, baked goods, spices, and canned goods allowed by the Minnesota Cottage Foods Exemption M.S. 28A.152

Vendor Insurance 3 (Crafts, Food-Unprocessed / Processed) = $279

Crafts, Food-Unprocessed/Processed: Vendors who grow and/or process their own food products AND/OR sell small, one-of-a-kind, non-mass-produced crafts. Examples: jewelry, birdhouses, candles, and hand-made wearable items.

Click here to apply for Vendor Insurance.

Insurance for Farmers’ Markets

  1. A farmers’ market must be a MFMA member to be eligible for this member benefit.
  2. Premiums will be charged as a flat amount for the policy period. 
  3. No refunds for cancellations. 
  4. No reduced premiums for late entry into the policy period. 
  5. Premiums noted include all processing fees and state taxes. 
  6. The above coverages are the only coverages offered. Any coverage requested in the application that differs from the above is not included.
  7. Markets: maximum of two locations per market. 
  8. Market size is limited to the “average number of vendors per event multiplied by the number of events in the policy year” being less than or equal to 1,500.  Examples:
    1. Eligible market: 20 vendors x 75 events = 1,500 
    2. Ineligible market: 30 vendors x 52 events = 1,560 
  9. Insurance is only valid in the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. 
  10. Farmers’ markets must comply with applicable Minnesota/Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and Minnesota/Wisconsin Department of Health rules and regulations. 
  11. A certificate of insurance will be emailed or mailed to the market contact as proof of insurance.

COST TO MARKETS: Premiums, Fees and Options

Market Insurance $320

Click here to apply for Market Insurance.

MFMA provides services, programs, and leadership that support and promote farmers' markets across Minnesota and our Tribal Nations.

We envision a community of vibrant, profitable, and professionally managed Minnesota farmers’ markets that:

                    • Cultivates, nourishes, and inspires a vibrant local foods community;
                    • Provides accessibility to all to local farm fresh foods;
                    • Allows local food producers to thrive and grow;
                    • Ensures these opportunities are available to everyone regardless of ethnicity, age, gender identity, or economic standing.

Director of Government Affairs: Friendly Vang-Johnson /// /// (206) 276-2284

Director of Engagement & Inclusion: Sina War /// /// 

Executive Director: Kathy Zeman /// /// (507) 664-9446 

Minnesota Farmers' Market Association | 9800 155th St E | Nerstrand MN 55053-2403


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