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Minnesota Farmers' Market Association 

The Wifery Livestock Skills Consortium is designed as a curriculum-based skills training series for livestock farmers. The series teaches farmers the critical knowledge and skills needed to profitably raise livestock. It allows farmers to perfect the skills required to offer a high level of care to their animals.

Each Wifery session includes the training material, plus a kit with the supplies / tools needed to perfect each task. Solutions include certified organic to pharmaceuticals. Sessions are limited to 20 participants to ensure ample time to learn and practice. Livestock, horse, rabbit, and poultry are included in the curriculum.

To join The Wifery cohort, please email

The Wifery core workshops available are:

      1. Basic Livestock Care: topics covered include hoof trimming, wound treatments, suturing, splinting legs, giving shots (IM, SQ, IV, IP), drawing blood samples, giving IVs, etc. Kit includes syringes, needles, thermometer, gauzes, stethoscope, disinfectants, etc.
      2. Parasite ID and Management: participants bring manure samples from their animals and learn how to do on-farm fecal floats to ID the parasites. Discussion includes how to prevent parasitic problems and best treatment options. Fecal Float kit includes everything required to perform 5 complete samples.
      3. Birthing & Babies: topics covered include identifying pregnancy problems and solutions, handling dystocia, tubing babies, ear tagging, ear notching, tattooing, disbudding / dehorning, castrating, etc. Kit includes taggers, notchers, pullers, banders, bands, J-Lube, OB gloves, etc.
      4. Management, Records, & Nutrition: many of the livestock care issues can be prevented or minimized by a high level of nutrition and management. This workshop is focused on learning principles and strategy discussions. Record keeping for production and financial analysis is included.

MFMA provides services, programs, and leadership that support and promote farmers' markets across Minnesota and our Tribal Nations.

We envision a community of vibrant, profitable, and professionally managed Minnesota farmers’ markets that:

                    • Cultivates, nourishes, and inspires a vibrant local foods community;
                    • Provides accessibility to all to local farm fresh foods;
                    • Allows local food producers to thrive and grow;
                    • Ensures these opportunities are available to everyone regardless of ethnicity, age, gender identity, or economic standing.

Director of Government Affairs: Friendly Vang-Johnson /// /// (206) 276-2284

Director of Engagement & Inclusion: Sina War /// /// 

Executive Director: Kathy Zeman /// /// (507) 664-9446 

Minnesota Farmers' Market Association | 9800 155th St E | Nerstrand MN 55053-2403


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